Family coaching & counselling for parents and carers

At our clinic, we understand that the challenges faced by your child have also deeply affected you as parents. As part of our commitment to holistic family healing, we have designed an extensive programme specifically for parents, recognizing that recovery is a journey that involves the whole family.

The importance of parental involvement in healing

The journey leading to your child’s admission into our clinic is often fraught with emotional distress, stemming from years of dealing with mental health issues, addictions, and behavioural problems. It is not uncommon for parents to feel lost during this period, having tirelessly navigated complex circumstances. Recognizing this, our Family Programme is not only about supporting your child’s path to recovery but also about renewing and empowering yourselves.

A dedicated programme tailored for parents

Over the course of four days, which we call Bonding Week, you will engage intensively with a licensed family counsellor assigned specifically to your family. This private and personalised setting allows for a deep dive into critical topics such as co-dependency, managing potential relapse, and cultivating a healthy, sustainable lifestyle for the entire family.

Family counsellors Lies and Steve
Family counsellors Lies and Steve

Three core objectives of the family programme

  1. Restoration and Peace: Our programme provides a serene and nurturing environment where you can find peace and regain your strength. It’s a place to breathe, reflect, and be heard—a sanctuary away from the trials of the past.

  2. Insight and Understanding: With the guidance of your dedicated family counsellor, we explore the dynamics within your family, identify strengths, and address challenges. The process is designed to clarify what behaviours serve your family’s wellbeing and which ones may need adjustment, helping you build a healthier family dynamic.

  3. Reconnection and Renewal: A pivotal component of our programme is fostering reconnection —not only among family members but also with your child. The culmination of this journey is Bonding Day, occurring five weeks after the start of treatment. This significant day is an opportunity for open dialogue and heartfelt reunions, setting the stage for a fresh start and a renewed relationship based on mutual understanding and respect.

We invite you to join us in this transformative experience designed to support, educate, and empower you as integral participants in the healing process. Your involvement is crucial to the success of your child’s recovery and the restoration of your family’s harmony.

Register for an intake

Would you like to register for an intake now? Please fill in our intake form. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate and call us at +31 (0)85 02 01 222.

Intake form