Psychiatrist Joris

"I work in a multi-disciplinary team with colleague psychiatrists, psychologists, expert by experience counsellors and coaches. The hands-on mentality of my colleagues allows me to fully focus on my helicopter view as a psychiatrist. "

Within the Yes We Can Healthcare Group, 500+ extremely dedicated healthcare professionals work 24/7 on the recovery of our fellows, 365 days a year. Today we ask our psychiatrist Joris Vangeneugden what Yes We Can means to him.

Joris has been working as a psychiatrist at Yes We Can Clinics for about 1.5 years. "I work in a multi-disciplinary team with colleague psychiatrists, psychologists, expert by experience counsellors and coaches. The hands-on mentality of my colleagues allows me to fully focus on my helicopter view as a psychiatrist. They have my full confidence." Because of this mentality and the varied treatment community, Joris quickly felt at home within the Yes We Can family.

"I give a lot during my work, but I also want to get this back from the fellows." Joris therefore likes the fact that tools are handed out, yet fellows have to get to work themselves.

"The willingness of all the colleagues to achieve fellows giving back is extremely high."

Joris has children of his own in Yes We Can Youth Clinics' target group. As a result, his work is sometimes very confrontational. "This allows me to empathise with the parents of the young people, which makes it fantastic and difficult at the same time."

Joris’s children also fall within the range 13 to 25. As a result, work can sometimes be very confrontational. "Being a dad myself allows me to empathise with the parents and carers, which makes it fantastic and difficult at the same time."

Whether Joris had to get used to our treatment culture? "Yes & No. The mix between togetherness in the teams and individuality in the job is different from other youth clinics. A fine combination that makes the work challenging and dynamic."

"No b.s., that characterises Yes We Can. We see through the fellows in no time. In my role as a psychiatrist, I can keep up the appearance of naivety during my one-to-one sessions with the fellows. When the counsellors and the group take on the confrontation afterwards, the approach is double successful."

"I work with many colleagues who overcame their own challenges in life. Experience expertise is often the extra step needed with fellows. In the first weeks, recognition is the first step for creation motivation for change." – Joris.

Joris is particularly satisfied when he sees a fellow leave with renewed hope for the future. He says the feeling of gratitude is tremendously heartfelt when a fellow leaves the clinic after 10 weeks. "The hug at departure is immensely valuable", he says.

"The ingredients are not complex and the recipe is simple, yet not everyone can make it quite as well."

As we work with a unique approach that focuses on openness, honesty, willingness and respect, what do you say when we say Yes We Can? "If you want it, it will work. The ingredients are not complex and the recipe is simple, yet not everyone can cook it quite as well as we do. Nevertheless, we are very transparent about the treatment we offer, simply because we hope that this way as many young people as possible can be helped. Still, treatment with us is unique because of the experts by experience and the warm family feeling within the organisation. We interpret the recipe slightly different than others."

Are you, like Joris, a (graduated) psychiatrist and interested in joining the Yes We Can family? Get in touch with our recruiter Isabelle (via 06 11 29 66 71 or [email protected]). She will be happy to hear from you.